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Namibian Government budget 2014

Namibian Government expenditure is projected to amount to about N$60,1 billion during the year from 1 April to the end of March 2015. This reflects a 26% increase - with economists worried that there "are no brakes on spending [in Namibia]". "We must prepare for shocks in the future", concluded economist Daniel Motinga. Namibia will spend on salary increases for civil servants, job evaluation and regrading, but not on increasing old-age pensions. Also, N$640 million, as budgeted for the new parliament building have had members of Parliament criticize government of lacking priorities. Otherwise, budgets on the Kudu Gas Project, capitalisation of the SME Bank and the mass housing initiative were well received. Share your thoughts on the communication of the National budget, and view NaMedia's content analysis of media coverage on the budget speech later today.